Friday, March 21, 2008

Wish List

I need some new spring/summer clothes; its still around the 50's here. So I was looking online and here is what I found that I would like to have :] my wish-list...

These are from payless, that is mostly where I get my shoes because like I said I wear size 12 :/ And payless is what I can afford right now. I really like the stars on them.

I really love this dress, one of the favs I have seen, from Oldnavy. Not very expensive either. So cute.

Probably my favorite dress I have seen so far. From Target, Its a Jovovich-Hawk for only $40. I LOVE IT AND NEED IT ASAP! :] It has nice detail.

The back. It is just so lady-like. :]

I would like to have this dress and wear alot of gold jewlery :] pretty

These are from Payless :] They kind of look futuristic to me. Would be nice from summer. And would look good with a black outfit.

I really like plaid, alot. I would love to have this shirt. Its from Delias.

This is from Oldnavy. Havn't seen it in the store yet. I really like bags I can put around my body to be on my side. Its real leather.

I don't know if anyone has check out Oldnavys newest jewlery but I love it. Especially this ring. Im just waiting for it to go to $3.99 because usually there jewelery does.

I think this dress is so cute. From Delias, probably won't get this one because I don't think they have it in my size, but I like it.

I LOVE these shoes. I am for sure going to get these as soon as I get my next check. I think these would look nice with summer dresses. They are from Payless and on sale for $17.99

I have loved this dress since I first saw it. Its is very light material and I love the colors. Its from American Eagle and would look very nice with a brown belt.

1 comment:

ordinary_dreamer said...

i really like that first dress you posted.