Friday, March 14, 2008

Fashion is a Passion.

Hi. My name is Shannon. My friend sent me this random girls blog that she had found and it was about fashion (what she wore, what other girls are wearing across the world, runways clothes) just cool stuff like that. I thought it was awesome so it inspired me to do it myself. Im from Huntington,WV. Yea thats right, im not from LA or New York or I feel like everyone who lives elsewhere in a bigger city wears the coolest clothes. It really facinates me to see pictures of girls from so far away wearing clothes that basically nobody around here wears. The "fashion" that I think basically goes on around here would be you basic jeans with a hollister t-shirt or maybe a mini jean shirt with a american eagle hoodie (nothing wrong with that), but I feel like that is so plain, and I also feel if someone was to wear something like Mary-Kate Olsen (maybe a little less extreme) people would take double takes and then whisper to their friends...its sad. Anyways back to me...I love fashion. This sounds silly but there really isn't anything I like more than shopping; I know there are some girls who like to shop, but it is one of my passions. I get pure joy out of going to stores and looking at fashion magazines. I even get joy out of looking at clothes online,lol. I think it is a art form that should have no rules, no limitations. I think people should wear things that express themselves. I can't say I do this very much...I basically wear jeans and hoodies alot, but thats because I feel too overweight to really wear what I want and Im usually very broke. I pretty much pride myself on getting things for cheap, I love clearance. I know this was kind of long but I thought it would be good to let people know who I am.

Here is a pic of what I wore today: leopard scarf ($1.97 at JCPenneys) black hoody($5.97 at Oldnavy) blue skinny jeans ($1.97 at Oldnavy).

Few pics of things I like:

-My fake Fendi,haha. I went to NYC and got this in China Town, I'm usually against fake bags like the fake Louis Vuitton that say LD on them or something, but I loved this.

-My cousin gave this to me for Christmas and it has pictures of my family,boyfriend,and best friend...all I have to do is look at it and it makes me smile.

These are my two favorite earrings. Studs and peace signs :]
Okay so I will try and post more pics of things I like tomorrow. Its 1:30 in the morning and im really tired.


sridevi said...

I love anything animal-print, haha. Keep blogging, I assure you that you will get addicted :)

ordinary_dreamer said...

this blog is sexual for sure. haha. but anyways this is def. better than blogging on myspace!