Tuesday, May 20, 2008

long time, no blog

Its been awhile since I last posted anything, not sure why but I just havn't...not that it really matters because I don't think anybody looks at this. Anyway I went to Easton with my friend Mandy, It is probably the biggest shopping place in a 3 hour distance from where we live. It was nice, we were lucky that it was a nice day because it was supposed to rain. I bought a dress from NY&Co that I have to return because its way too short. I bought a thing that you can hang your necklaces on which I needed very much. I also bought some earrings,a necklace, and a headband from forever 21 (we love that store). Im going to try and take some pics of stuff to post because lately I havn't been. I'll leave you with a nice pic I took of a Starbucks cup :]