Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Love fun weekends.

Hi. I was going to make a post Sunday but my pictures wouldn't load on my computer. I had a very nice weekend. I didn't have to work so thats always a +. Spent Saturday with family and my bf. I had too much fun, I love them.

...check out my cousin Lucys Hoody...its got icecream cones(kinda can't see it),so cute.

She is always giving the peace sign, its hilarious :]

Me and the bf being silly.

Some things I got over the weekend :]

I ordered these shoes off Target.com, it is really hard for me to find shoes I like because I wear size 12, yikes,lol. So I found these Isaac Mizrahi loafers, the white ones were $7.50 and the black were $14.99. I def. need these for work. They were a good buy.

I also bought this purse from Target.com. I saw it in the store and liked it, but I thought it was bigger. It was only $6.25.

I bought this nice box Sunday from Gabriel Brothers for only $3. I don't know what i'm going to put in it...I just love the top of it.

I also bought a pair of sunglasses for $3.99 and a blue zebra print tank for $4.99 at Gabriel Brothers, but I forgot to take pics of them. I won't be buying much for a few weeks because my check is small and I have to pay car insurance :\

Sunday driving home this is what the sky looked like....the clouds were nice.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Im looking forward to Easter dinner :] yumm. I get two, one at my house and one at the boyfriends...what should I wear. I don't have money to buy a pretty "Easter" dress...I want to look nice but not very dressed up. Peace.

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